
Gutzkow Digital Edition

The Gutzkow Digital Edition is the digital side of the Gutzkow Edition, which aims to develop a complete edition of the 19th century German writer Karl Gutzkow. He was a prolific writer, producing novels, short stories, plays, and a significant number of critical essays on a wide range of topics.

As part of the digital edition, I have developed two tools for both reading and writing digital edition content.

TEI Reader

The TEI Reader aims to plug a gap in modern digital editions, which are not set up to allow people to actually read the works they are looking at. Current digital editions tend to focus on the critical analysis process, but the question of how readers would like to access the works, together with the critical analysis results, remains unexplored. The TEI Reader is a JavaScript component that provides a reading interface adapted for both small, mobile devices and larger screens. It is highly configurable and can be included into any digital edition.


TEI Editor

The interfaces for writing digital editions that use TEI XML as their data format generally fall into one of two categories. Either they use off-the-shelf XML editors or they have bespoke editing interfaces. The TEI Editor aims to merge these two approaches, providing a generic, configurable, web-based TEI editor, that to the user looks like any other word-processing software.
